Environmentalism And Its Importance

If you own a piece of land or even a house, you’ll find yourself taking care of it as much as you can. If there are repairs that you need to take care of or you need to clean it, you will do it as soon as you can.


This is because your home protects you and you need to look after it in return. Now, multiply the scope of until you reach the size of the earth and you’ll get a vague idea about what environmentalism stands for.


When it comes to environmentalism, the survival of the planet is put to the fore so that the survival of the planet as well as the life on it is ensured. A key element of environmentalism is the identification of problems and finding solutions.


Let us look at some of the problems that Earth is facing at the moment.


1.    Pollution


Everything that is manufactured or produced creates a form of waste that needs to be disposed of as efficiently as possible. This is mainly due to the fact that the large variety of materials present which includes plastic takes time to degrade and hence, they lie around without many people taking them for recycling. This damages the environment in a significant manner since the wastes also include harmful gasses as well as liquids.


2.    Depletable resources


The amount of resources that Earth has is finite, but people use it as though it’s never ending. Not only that, but the world also faces a crisis when it comes to distribution of said resources geographically, making some areas rich with resources such as water and other areas devoid of any resources whatsoever. The amount of materials that we have now have also decreased, with some only estimated to last for a few decades.


3.    Life on earth


Apart from human beings, there are countless other species that live on Earth that humans have forgotten about. The amount of thoughts that humans collectively share when it comes to other species on earth is almost negligible; with the exception of pets. Buildings, highways and other infrastructure are usually built on the land or habitat where said animals live, thereby driving them away from their own houses. Animals are also raised inslaughterhouses where they are only bred in order to turn them into food.

Environmentalism – A detailed explanation

It is a known fact that we put all the effort to maintain the place that we dwell in. We clean it, make repairs if necessary, make sure that the garden is perfect and indulge in a lot of other things to keep the house in the best way possible. We do it because it is our home, and we live in it.

Isn’t it the same for our planet? Earth is more like our home, and we are not taking any steps to take care of it or prevent it from the harm that is caused. We use all its resources, pollute it, use all the other living organisms like animals, plants, and microorganisms. We really don’t care about anything and the consequences that we will face in the future.

Environmentalism is the thought process of giving the Earth the care that it deserves to ensure the survival of life on this planet. The concept of Environmentalism deals with more of recognizing the issues faced by the environment and coming up with the solution for them.

Problems faced by the planet

Earth is one enormous place with a diameter of almost 13000 Km. It is acceptable that you are not aware of what is happening in every corner of the earth. Leave the things happening in some place on the earth; we are not even aware that the normal things that we indulge in are affecting the planet and the environment.  Just simple math will give a clear picture. The total population of the earth is 7.5 billion. Imagine if everyone is burning a plastic cover. Now think of the amount of carbon that we have added to the atmosphere.


Many might think what we did with the resources? Well, the common man might not have done anything directly. But indirectly we are using the resources of the earth in one way or the other. Simple things like overuse of water are also considered as the resource exploitation. If this is the case for the common man, then think about the heavy industries that are entirely dependent on them?

Energy Supply

The energy crisis is one of the major problems that many countries are facing. Even though we are gradually shifting to reviewable sources, we still have a long way to go. Our main sources of energy are atomic energy and fossil fuels. Both of them are very harmful to the environment and human health. Fossil fuels are on the verge of being extinct because of over-exploitation.

Waste pollution

Before the 20th century, this was not even an issue. People used to convert the waste into a composite.  But now we have undergone a drastic change; now there are these huge sites where all the wastes are being dumped. Some don’t even care of separating the degradable and non-degradable wastes. Even though people are well educated in matters like reusing and recycling, they really don’t seem to practice them in real life.

The solutions

The first step for any solution is recognizing the problem. Understanding the concepts of environment and ecosystem will help us have a clear picture of the issues. The solution comes not just by knowing, it comes, only when ideas are implemented in actions.

Things can be handled better if we have a better idea of the environmental laws, how technology can be used to preserve nature, how conservation can be done, how to educate the future generation, how to raise the voice against the injustice against the environment and how to support environmental activists.