Most complicated yoga poses


It is a fact that we are mesmerized by the scene when experienced and advanced yoga practitioners perform some complicated yoga poses. There are some poses that make us think whether there are bones in their body or not. The flexibility of their bodies literally sweeps us off our feet. It would take years for someone to do these poses perfectly. But if you are able to dedicate yourself fully and work hard towards it, you can also do it. Here are some of the most complex yoga poses.

Eka Hasta Vrksasana – One Handed Tree Pose



We all know that balancing our bodies with two hands itself is a difficult task; a few yogis can do it on one. This posture is a piece of the fifth and sixth part in Ashtanga, and would clearly just be reasonable for any individual who can nail the ordinary handstand. If you are able to do it perfectly, you will have amazing center body strength, high concentration, and solid wrists as your entire body is balancing on one of them.

Sirsa Padasana – Head to Foot Pose

This posture is a standout amongst the most exceptional backbends out there. There is a ton going on in the pose that includes balance, extreme mental concentration, and the self-evident—a mix of strengthening the back and improving the flexibility of the spine.

Pungu Mayurasana – Wounded Peacock

This posture is basically a Peacock posture that utilizes just a single arm. Peacock posture improves the strength of the waist, shoulders, and arms and enhances processing because of the weight connected by the arms. The one arm balance really tests mental concentration. It is important that it should be done with both sides or else it causes a digestive imbalance.

Gandha Bherundasana – Formidable Face Pose

It is one the most pretzel-esque when compared to all of the asanas, and at first look, it looks more flexibility specialist than yoga expert. The last posture is an extraordinary stretch over the front of the body and just as overall flexibility of the spine. In the final pose, you would now be able to scratch your nose with your toes. So basically, there no moment that you can do.

Kala Bhairavasana – Destroyer of universe pose

While this posture looks noteworthy, it is evidently not as complicated as the poses that are listed above. Considering every aspect, setting one leg behind the head requires exceptional flexibility and adaptable hips, and doing it with the body off the floor while adjusting on one side requires extraordinary, mental concentration and physicality

Yoganidrasana – Yoga Sleep Pose

If you are considering this pose as complicated, well you guessed it right. It is basically Sleeping Turtle (Supta Kurmasana) flipped on to the back, and it is said to enhance a deep feeling of calmness. As the name signifies, a few yogis do rest and sleep in this position. It really astonishes me when it is said that yogis sleep in that position.